Dean says: “If you’re thinking about working in care, working for Staffordshire is ideal and you won’t regret it. I have never felt so happy since leaving school. If you’re happy in your job you’re happy at home.”
What is your role? I started working for Staffordshire County Council in February this year. I’m based at Newcastle Specialist Day Service but also help at Leek and Stafford day service. I have a history of supporting adults with learning disabilities and have worked in many other fields over the years but going into a workplace every day that feels like it isn’t a job, but a privilege to be making a difference to the people we support is the best job and feeling in the world.
Why did you join Staffordshire County Council? I joined Staffordshire County Council because I’ve heard so many great things about the company, my wife has worked at Douglas Road for over 20 years, the pension is great and the hours are great and holidays are fantastic!
What does your typical day look like? My day at work starts at 8.30am, I check my work vehicle for any issues and then pick up our service user. I make them comfortable on the way back to our Newcastle Specialist Day Opportunities, then I make our service users a drink and we do sensory stories through the week and sensory music and sound scaping. We go for a disco drive and around 12pm myself and my work colleagues help with lunch. In the afternoon we will listen to music and support our service users, helping with personal care and other tasks throughout the day. Then around 3.20pm I take our service users home, drive back to work and lock the building up.
What is the best part of your job? To see a small smile or hear a laugh makes me realise I’m a doing a good job, also building a relationship with our customers and gaining their trust.
Being chosen to become one of the Staffordshire County Council Ambassadors (although nervous whilst being filmed) was an amazing feeling and really boosted my confidence with being new to the service this will help me to grow in my role share stories and experiences with others and promote our provider services.
What would you be doing if you didn’t work here? There isn’t anything bad about my job, I truly love my job and I would still be working at my last job which was in a dusty warehouse.
What advice would you give someone considering a career in comms? I would say to anyone wanting a new career, join us! Fantastic staff, fantastic service users who are all amazing. Management are great and listen if there’s any issues, pension is great, hours are flexible and good for family life balance.