Beth says: “The big difference I make within my role is helping keep children safe and seeing the impact that has on the community in Staffordshire.”
How does a normal day start? A typical work from home day starts with a dog walk before logging on and checking emails.
What is your role? I’m responsible for providing legal advice to the client (social services) and representing clients at PLO meetings and court hearings.
Why did you join Staffordshire County Council? They are a great organisation to work for and aside from the great benefits such as flexi time it is rewarding knowing that I’m helping the community that I live in.
As a trainee solicitor at the local authority you will have the opportunity to learn from a legal services with a wealth of experience, so take advantage of it and be prepared to learn a lot!!
What might people not know about working in the council? The different types of cases we deal with within the legal services unit and the invaluable experience that can be gained by working in house for a local authority legal services.
What does your typical day look like? There isn’t one! No two days are the same. One day can be spent working from home drafting documents, the next day you could be in court, and the day after attending a training event. Every day is different.
What is your most memorable moment? Undertaking my first court hearing and the sense of achievement I felt afterwards, considering the nerves I felt before!
What is the worst part of your job? I work in childcare law so it can be emotionally challenging and stressful at times.
What is the best part of your job? The amazing team I work in and knowing that we are making a difference to the community in helping protect children and young people.
What would you be doing if you didn’t work here? Honestly no idea!
What advice would you give someone considering a career in legal? Do it! take advantage of every opportunity whilst you are learning, don’t be afraid to make mistakes (it is how you learn) and never be afraid to ask questions, there is no such thing as a stupid question!